Monday, 28 April 2014

Vegetable garden: two beds becomes four

Saturday was basically a crappy and way-to-chilly day to do anything in the garden. But thankfully yesterday (Sunday) took a slightly warmer and sunnier turn. This allowed myself and the man to get outside and build the remaining two raised beds...and since we had the experience of building two last weekend, we were pros and got the remaining two done in record time!

Now to smother the crap out of the grass with newspapers and cardboard (free when you get family to save newspapers and scavenge grocery stores for cardboard), fill the beds with soil and fill the surrounding area with mulch (which was purchased yesterday...seriously, we accomplished a lot for a Sunday!). In total the cost of the wood and screws set us back approximately $200. In my opinion, deck screws are overpriced and we didn't really shop around for lumber, realizing the cost difference between most of our local shops would have equaled the cost of the gas to drive back and fourth between said stores. We did however neglect to price check some lumber retailers on the other side of town...too late now, I shall not think about it again. The cost of mulch was about $32 for 11 bags (56L of cedar mulch per bag) and I had a gift card that took care of about half the cost. Next weekend we will be soil/compost shopping, will let you know what that sets us back, but with hope NEXT year I will be able to supply a decent amount of my own compost from the yet-to-be-built backyard compost bin!

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