I have measured and re-measured and shuffled furniture around like a crazy person, but there just isn't much space for the computer, so I have been left with only one option: turn the closet in the guest room into office space! Why not? What else is going in the closet (a closet without doors)? So let the transformation begin! I hope this project does not take too long, since I'm getting sick of sitting sideways on an old kitchen chair to use the computer. I will post my progress and the end result as soon as I am done. For now here is the before (sort of...there was a badly put together closet organizer in the closet but I removed that about a week ago and FYI: whoever lived here previously and installed that organizer should be jailed, this had been a child's room and the entire setup was NOT secured to the wall WHATSOEVER!).
What will make this project a bit more challenging is that the closet is a cedar closet, well just a regular closet that someone installed crappy cedar wall planks in. I couldn't be sure what is behind the cedar, so rather than taking it down and risking a whole can-o-worms situation (like no drywall or destroyed drywall or who knows what else - this house is over 100 years old after all) I am going to paint the cedar. I couldn't find much information on painting cedar, but I understand it needs to be primed and primed well due to the tannin that will likely seep from the wood...even then it may backfire. I will keep you posted and if you too are looking to paint a cedar closet, you may pick up some information on what to do (or more likely, what NOT to do!).
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