Thursday, 20 March 2014

The first day of Spring

It is the first day of Spring...although you wouldn't know it if you ventured outside. It is cold, windy and there is still a considerable amount of snow on the ground. I will try to think positive, warm, springy thoughts and maybe, just maybe the weather will magically change.

This afternoon we had a visitor of the squirrely variety. There was a cute little guy digging through the gutters outside the bedroom and art room windows. He or she seemed pretty content rummaging through the gutters for food and I was pretty happy he (or she) was clearing (kicking) leaves and crap out of the it kept the cat entertained for a while win-win-win!

Buster is keeping his eyes to the ceiling, in hopes of catching that fly.

Buster can't find the must be my fault...he gives me an evil glare.

These paws can do damage when they are on the hunt, trust me (and my chest) they hurt when Buster decides to use you as a spring-board.
Speaking of cat...and spring arriving (hopefully) I have noticed a number of dopey flies in the house, I suppose emerging from their winter slumber. Where they are coming from, I don't know, but what I do know is they are dopey as all hell (constantly smacking into the ceilings) and they are keeping the cat entertained and me awake at night. Last night there was a real big fly in the bedroom buzzing around the ceiling. I couldn't get rid of it and the cat couldn't get enough of running around the bedroom jumping on the bed (and me) in vain. I can still hear the buzzing...and the frantic meows.

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