Tuesday, 11 March 2014

It's March, it's 2014...I haven't posted since November!

Yup, that about sums it up! I haven't posted since November. November 2013. It has been a while so let's get a bit caught up...

As you may recall, there was a wedding in my life back in October. Things went well, a great trip, loads of fun (food, drinks, the works!). What I may not have mentioned was that two days after the wedding (on the honeymoon) I started to get sick. Nothing too horrible, just a cold, but obviously NOT what you want on your honeymoon, or on any trip...or ever really. It definitely put a damper on things, but nevertheless we had fun and saw the sights of Ireland. As soon as I was back from the wedding/honeymoon extravaganza I was back to work...and still sick. I got better, for about a week, then got sick again...and again and again. I lost count of how many times I was sick, but I believe I was sick more often than I was healthy. That is no life for me. I very quickly realized that since working where I was, I had been sick more often than I had ever been, and I used to spend a large chunk of my life commuting through Toronto on jam-packed subway cars (germ central!). Between the hours I was working, the stress of the job, messed up eat/sleep habits and the environment I was exposed to I came to a conclusion: I must leave my job in order to get healthy.

So that was that, I quit my job, I finished at the end of January. The decision wasn't easy, it doesn't feel right leaving a job when you don't have another job to go to, but I couldn't keep it up. I am not currently looking for another job, instead I am back to focusing on the house (lots of unfinished work and projects) and I am finally making use of my art room! Back to being creative and making use of all the materials I have been hoarding for years. I plan on re-opening my Etsy shop and if the spring ever arrives, I plan on getting back to gardening. This year I intend on making some raised beds for veggies (seedlings already started!).

So check back, because I will be posting a lot more...and I mean it this time!!!

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