Monday, 29 April 2013

A few more bits of my trip

My recent trip to Ireland was a busy one. There was a great deal of visiting friends and family packed into one week, along with a little bit of sightseeing...oh, and some wedding planning of course! Poor weather along with a packed schedule left little time for the sightseeing and picture taking I wish I was able to do, but I still managed half a day at the beach and a trip to Cork City. 

If you ever find yourself in Cork City you must visit the English Market...and be sure to grab a snack or ten!

I was lucky to have the chance to get inside the church where we will be married! Quite frequently the tiny church is closed to visitors and only open for special masses and ceremonies.

This is an example of the week's weather in, grey, extremely windy and rainy. I shouldn't be surprised, I was in Ireland after all! I suppose it was a change from the first two trips I took to Ireland where I enjoyed warm weather and clear blue skies!

We had less than two full days of sun and blue skies, so we did our best to advantage of some good weather by hitting the beach! It was a bit cool and windy and every so often the clouds would roll in and threaten us with rain, but that didn't stop us from taking a stroll on the beach. There is nothing quite like a breath of fresh ocean air!

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